Ledford Accounting: Experience Makes the Difference

As you grow your business, your need for sophisticated tax accounting, business metrics, and growth planning also grows. Yet budgeting for an experienced full-time professional Business Consultant and fully-staffed back office are economic pipedreams for most growing firms.

To meet critical needs of growing regional businesses, Ledford Accounting offers comprehensive Advisory, Accounts-Department Management, and Business Consulting Services that provides your business with cost-effective access to professional services of a depth and quality that used to be enjoyed only by large, established corporations.



Personal Service: All professional services are provided either by John W. Ledford or under his direct, immediate supervision.  You and your Staff will work directly with the professional whose “name is on the door” and receive his full and immediate attention.

Experience:  Ledford Accounting brings your business our professional experience and personal interest in making your business a lasting success. 

On-Time Service: Your business schedules are treated with respect with target and “drop-dead” dates discussed, agreed upon and adhered to by all stakes-holders. Excuses for late or incomplete work are no part of our business model.

Economy:  By forming teams of in-house experts and professional third-party consultants, each client receives and pays for only those services that are required for sustained business growth.  Clients are billed at rates that respect their budgets.  Big firm “full service” overhead is avoided; your business pays only for essential team members rather than to support a 1960’s business-model firm staffed with unneeded specialists.  



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